Tooth Grinding / Bruxism

Effects Of Bruxism or Tooth grinding

Bruxism affects sufferers in many ways. Some of the adverse effects are short-term and disappear when the bruxism ceases. Others sadly, are long-term or even permanent.

Short-term effects of bruxism
Headache – Bruxism sufferers are three times more likely to suffer from headaches.
Facial myalgia (aching jaw & facial muscles)
Ear ache
Tightness/stiffness of the shoulders
Limitation of mouth opening
Sleep disruption
Sleep disruption of bed partner due to noise
Excess tooth mobility
Inflamed & receding gums
Long-term effects of bruxism
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (sometimes called TMJD or just TMJ)
Tooth wear & breakage

Ring the Team at Ashford Dental on 01233 639 289 to help you find the best solution.